Client Portal

Cat 7 – Max Stay

The Maximum Stay Category (Category 7) provides the capability to indicate the last time at which travel must commence or must be completed from the point specified by the To Geographic Specification Table (bytes 33-40). Calculation of this date may be based on travel commencement or ticket issuance, and the maximum stay may be stated as either a day of week or elapsed time. Maximum stay provisions are not processed on one way pricing units. If data exists in Category 7 applicable for a one way fare that is being used on a one way pricing unit, then processing will not validate the maximum stay; however, if a one way fare is used in a round trip, open jaw, or circle trip pricing solution, then the maximum stay provisions will apply. If this category is not present there are no maximum stay requirements, outside of the ticket validity applicable to the fare.

In order to validate the Maximum Stay Category, it is essential to know the following:

  • Days and Times of all flights for all fare components on the pricing unit and journey.
  • Date of Ticket Issuance.


Assumptions when there is no data present for Category 7:

When there is no Category 7 information (No Category 7 Record 2 that resolves to the fare, Inbound/Outbound, Directional Indicators, Geographic Specifications, and Date Overrides) the assumption is there are no maximum stay requirements outside of ticket validity of the fare.

When there is data present for Category 7 that resolves to a fare then the following assumption applies:

Maximum Stay is calculated from point specified in the From Geographic Specification Table to travel commencement or travel completion from the point specified in the To Geographic Specification Table. Maximum stay will be counted from the day after departure from the point specified in the From Geo Spec Table, unless the provision is specified in months. If the provision is specified in months, then minimum stay will be counted from the day of departure from the point specified in the From Geo Spec Table.

Coding Conventions

From and To Geo Spec Tables:

When the point from which the maximum stay count begins is not defined in the rule, the ‘From’ portion of travel will be entered as ‘Departure from Fare Origin’ (TSI 01). If the point from which travel may commence is not defined in the rule the ‘To’ portion will be entered as the ‘Last point of stopover’ (TSI 05). Likewise, if outward destination is not defined it will be assumed that outward destination, point of turnaround, is the last point of stopover.


Calculation of maximum stay is done by going outside the fare component being validated and looking at the entire pricing unit. Processing will mark the points specified in the From and To Geo Spec Tables, on the pricing unit. The maximum stay is then counted from the departure from the point specified in the From Geo Spec Table to travel commencement from the point specified in the To Geo Spec table.

As the provision is calculated by looking at the entire pricing unit/journey, any maximum stay restrictions based on directionality require the use of value 3 (Origin Loc 1) or value 4 (Origin Loc 2). Use of directionality value (From Loc 1), value 2 (To Loc 1), Inbound or Outbound is illogical.

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